The Impact of Interactive Learning Applications on EFL Students' Preferences and Academic Achievement
The Impact of Interactive Learning Applications on EFL Students' Preferences and Academic Achievement
Author(s): Donny Adiatmana Ginting, Syahrul RamadhanSubject(s): Foreign languages learning, Education and training
Published by: UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science
Keywords: EFL; interactive application; student perception
Summary/Abstract: This study aims to investigate the perceptions of English as Foreign Language (EFL) students regarding the use of interactive learning applications. The research methodology is quantitative, using questionnaires to collect data on students' perceptions of interactive learning applications and their preferences in this regard. Additionally, academic performance data are included. The study population includes all students at Teacher Training and Educational Sciences College (STKIP) Al Maksum, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The sample consists of 20 students from the English Department Study Program, enrolled during the 2021/2022 academic year. The results of the study indicate that students' perceptions of interactive learning applications influence their choice of learning applications, ultimately impacting their learning outcomes. Based on the total score of students' perceptions of learning applications, students are more inclined to choose Kahoot for use in EFL. This is because, in terms of effectiveness, enjoyment, and perceived learning, this application excels over Quizizz.
Journal: TEM Journal
- Issue Year: 13/2024
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 1362-1370
- Page Count: 9
- Language: English