Changes in the Number and Proportion of Hungarians in Slovakia by Districts Based on the 2011 and 2021 Census Data Cover Image

A szlovákiai magyarsághoz tartozók számának, arányának változása járások szerint a 2011. és a 2021. évi népszámlálás adatai alapján
Changes in the Number and Proportion of Hungarians in Slovakia by Districts Based on the 2011 and 2021 Census Data

Author(s): László Gyurgyík
Subject(s): Regional Geography, Applied Geography, Social history, Demography and human biology, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Sociology of Politics
Published by: Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet
Keywords: demography; census; nationality; mother tongue; 2nd nationality; districts; Hungarians; ethnicity

Summary/Abstract: The study deals with the development of the number of Hungarians in Slovakia by districts based on the data of the 2011 and 2021 censuses. In a first approach, the data at the district level for ethnicity, mother tongue and 2nd ethnicity are examined. Then, based on combinations of these three ethnic indicators, the four types of Hungarian affiliation are analysed in relation to the proportion of Hungarians living in the districts. The differences in the number, composition and types of Hungarians living in Hungarian and non-Hungarian districts are examined. We will also examine the contribution of the three variables included in the analysis to the evolution of the number of Hungarians at the district level. The tables in the appendix provide a deeper understanding of the relationships presented in the study.

  • Issue Year: XXVI/2024
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 43-64
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Hungarian
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