Faktori rizika i oporavka u suočavanju sa nejasnim gubitkom
Risk and recovery factors in dealing with ambiguous loss
Author(s): Elma Hadžić, Dean AjdukovićSubject(s): Psychology, Health and medicine and law
Published by: Pedagoški fakultet Univerziteta u Bihaću
Keywords: loss; mourning; risk factors; recovery factors; ambiguous loss;
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents theoretical postulates related to the interpretation of the terms loss and mourning, interpretation of ambiguous loss, as well as risk and recovery factors in dealing with ambiguous loss. An overview of previous research on all topics indicates the need to distinguish causes, courses and consequences that a ambiguous loss can leave at the individual, family, as well as community level. The aim of this paper is to point out the need for an idiosyncratic approach to the grieving process in family members of missing persons by identifying potential risk factors and recovery. Some factors for one person may be resources, while for another they may be an obstacle to struggling with ambiguity and ambivalence. Also, some factors, such as replacement children, can represent a resource that facilitates the grieving process for one generation, but also a burden since mourning and the need to resolve it are passed on to the next generations.
Journal: Post Scriptum
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 14
- Page Range: 174-185
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Bosnian