Verbum abbreviatum and silentium Dei in Benedict XVI’s Writings and the Object and Method of Biblical Exegesis Cover Image

Verbum abbreviatum and silentium Dei in Benedict XVI’s Writings and the Object and Method of Biblical Exegesis
Verbum abbreviatum and silentium Dei in Benedict XVI’s Writings and the Object and Method of Biblical Exegesis

Author(s): Waldemar Linke
Subject(s): Theology and Religion, Biblical studies
Published by: Papieski Wydział Teologiczny
Keywords: Dei Verbum; Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI; verbum abbreviatum silentium Dei; biblical exegesis; methodology of biblical exegesis; phenomenology

Summary/Abstract: This article deals with the development of biblical exegesis in the light of the theory of knowledge and methodology, which operates on the concepts of verbum abbreviatum and silentium Dei, which Benedict XVI caused to be included in the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini. These terms describe the object of biblical exegesis as a theological discipline. The article commences with an analysis of the use and understanding of verbum abbreviatum in Verbum Domini and continues with an addendum on the motif of silentium Dei. The disproportion between the two corresponds to the different roles that the concepts play in the construction of the document. For silentium Dei is merely a supplement – as important as it is – to the theology of the Word. Together with the concept of verbum abbreviatum it forms the descriptive part of the article. The third part is a search for an answer to the question of what biblical exegesis deals with, and therefore what its formal object is, which leads to the fundamental epistemological problems of biblical exegesis. These are considered in the light of an analysis of the aforementioned concepts in the thought of Benedict XVI and in the document mentioned above. The phenomenological approach seeks to answer the question of what biblical exegesis is and what its methodological consequences are. The phenomenological treatment of Scripture as the object of exegesis aims to integrate the theological aspect into exegetical considerations and to show exegetical procedures as intrinsically linked to the theological interpretation of the Bible. In the methodology of Scripture exegesis, this offers the possibility of constructing a methodological project that, on the one hand, makes use of all research procedures, allows the elimination of ideological elements incorporated into the research, and, on the other hand, preserves the theological sense of exegetical research. In the last part of the article, the author analyses various attempts to frame the problem of theological exegetical method in biblical studies, and offers his proposal based on all the considerations of the topic.

  • Issue Year: 32/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 5-64
  • Page Count: 60
  • Language: English
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