Експерименти в квантовата механика (дебют)
Experiments in Quantum Mechanics (Debut)
Author(s): Velislava ShurulinkovaSubject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН
Keywords: experiment; quantum mechanics; mental experiment; quant; observation; atom; microobject; macro – apparatus; wave-particle; Bohr; Einstein; APR – mind experiment; observation; measuring problem
Summary/Abstract: The experiment is a specifi c instrument of science. The experiment involves an active observer in creating the conditions and implementation of a phenomenon. It verufy or reject the predictions of the relevant theory. Experiment also is the main instrument in quantum physics. There are different types of experiments. Some experiments create artifi cial conditions for observation of specifi c phenomena. There are also mental experiments. They create conditions within theoretical rules, using the internal logic of the theory. By this internal logic scientist predict what would be the effects of relevant conditions. Some mental experiments may practically implemented later when the technology is developed enough. Discussing the experiments of quantum mechanics is necessary for deep penetrating in logic and problems of description of quantum phenomena. The text point the importance of description of observation and measuring problem in relation macro-efects in macro- apparatus - microworld.
Journal: Философски алтернативи
- Issue Year: XVIII/2009
- Issue No: 1-2
- Page Range: 128-137
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF