A Comparison Between Sentence Structures and Strategy Types in the “Request” Speech Act in Bulgarian and in Chinese Cover Image

A Comparison Between Sentence Structures and Strategy Types in the “Request” Speech Act in Bulgarian and in Chinese

Author(s): Zhang Kaiyue
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics
Published by: Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”
Keywords: Speech act; Request; Comparative analysis; Bulgarian; Chinese

Summary/Abstract: Based on the speech act theory proposed by J. L. Austin and J. R. Searle, this article focuses on the similarities and differences in the speech act of “request” in Bulgarian and in Chinese. Within this theoretical frame, we conducted an indepth analysis and did a summary of this type of speech act from the perspectives of the syntactic structure and the politeness strategies, applied in both languages. The aim of the study is to eliminate cross-cultural communication errors and possible misunderstandings that may occur among speakers of Chinese and Bulgarian as a second language.

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