Социально-политическая активность студенческой молодежи как один из факторов формирования отечественной интеллигенции на рубеже XX—XXI вв.
Social and political activity of student youth as one of the factors in the formation of the domestic intelligentsia at the turn of the XX—XXI centuries
Author(s): Tatyana V ChugunovaSubject(s): Cultural history, Social history, Higher Education , History of Education, State/Government and Education, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Sociology of Education
Published by: Ивановский государственный университет
Keywords: student youth; socio-political activity; intelligentsia; cultured personality;
Summary/Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the role and place of student youth in the socio-political development of society, students as a reserve of intelligentsia, which will determine the country’s spiritual climate in the XXI century. The goals and objectives of this study are due to the urgent need for a practical solution to the problems facing society, as well as the methodological need for further development of the problem and prospects of student youth as a potential intelligentsia in general and as a subject of the socio-political process. As part of achieving this goal and solving the tasks set in the work, the definitions of student youth are presented in connection with whether they belonged to intelligentsia, as well as their socio-political potential in various periods of Russian history. Based on the nature of research on the changes taking place in the youth environment in the 1990s — early 2000s, the issue of political socialization of post-Soviet student youth is actualized. An attempt was made to determine its ideals and priorities, its socio-political realities and potential. As the basic conclusions, the article positions mainly the situational nature of the interest of young people in politics; informational form of interest in politics; the impact of political myths on it; the desire to make a career with the help of political tools and so on. Taking into account the situation of recent times that has changed, the formation of the political culture of student youth should take place in the process of educational activity with the decisive role of social disciplines. Interest in political problems among students must be formed in accordance with the structure of social orientations, in the process of assimilation of cultural values, including those of a political nature, development of forms of political behavior acceptable to a given society, specific participation of students in the political life of the country and region, inclusion of its in the activities of parties, organizations, movements of different levels; interaction with the most purposeful representatives of youth, search for new forms of socialization and politicization.
Journal: Интеллигенция и мир
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 72-95
- Page Count: 24
- Language: Russian