Touches to the Mentor’s portrait Cover Image

Штрихи к портрету Учителя
Touches to the Mentor’s portrait

Author(s): Oleg Vasilyevich Zolotarev
Subject(s): Cultural history, History of ideas, Higher Education , History of Education, State/Government and Education, Conference Report, Sociology of Education
Published by: Ивановский государственный университет
Keywords: V. S. Memetov; intelligentsia; intellectuals; intelligentsia studies; scientific and theoretical conferences; Ivanovo school of intelligentsia studies; discourse of intelligentsia studies;

Summary/Abstract: The author recalls meetings and communication with Professor V. S. Memetov, scientific conferences on the problems of the intelligentsia, held in Ivanovo, the work of the Ivanovo center of intelligentsia studies. A wide range of issues related to the development of V. S. Memetov as a research scientist and organizer of science is touched upon. The complex phenomenon of intelligentsia studies as a scientific direction and school, the contribution of the scientist to its formation is analyzed. It is indicated that it was V. S. Memetov who came to the conclusion that the presence of several interpretations of the concept of intelligentsia is explained by the diversity of the object of the study. He stressed that the intelligentsia is a very complex social phenomenon, so the study of it should be comprehensive. He was able to analyze many as yet poorly studied issues related to the activities of the Russian intelligentsia and Western intellectuals. The role of V. S. Memetov in the development of intelligentsia studies not only as a direction of scientific research, but also as an academic discipline is particularly noted. Considerable attention is paid to the activities of V. S. Memetov as an organizer of science: conducting scientific conferences, editing the journal “Intelligentsia and the World”, preparing and publishing collective monographs. The author substantiates the conclusion that intelligentsia studies as a systematic study of the intellectual and creative potential of the individual, as an academic subject that contributes to the realization of this potential, has taken its place in promising areas of science and pedagogical practice.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 101-131
  • Page Count: 31
  • Language: Russian
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