The mediating role of competitive and collaborative orientations in boosting entrepreneurial orientation’s impact on firm performance Cover Image

The mediating role of competitive and collaborative orientations in boosting entrepreneurial orientation’s impact on firm performance
The mediating role of competitive and collaborative orientations in boosting entrepreneurial orientation’s impact on firm performance

Author(s): Rafał Kusa
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation; inter-organizational cooperation; competition; performance; hotel; structural equation modelling (SEM)

Summary/Abstract: Objective: This study aims to assess the role of the relationships between organizations in shaping entrepre- neurial performance. In particular, I tested the mediating role of inter-organizational cooperation and compe- tition in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance.Research Design & Methods: This quantitative study used structural equation modelling (SEM) to test hypoth- eses reflecting relationships among variables. I present the relationships in the research model. The research sample consisted of 117 one- and two-star hotels operating across Poland.Findings: The most original finding refers to the mediating role of relationships among organizations. In par- ticular, the study unveiled the mediating role of both competitive and collaborative orientation in the rela- tionship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm performance. In both cases mediation was partial. Thus, collaborative behaviours may be as important as competitive ones in transforming entrepreneurial ap- proach into performance. Additionally, the findings confirm the positive impact of EO on competitive and col- laborative orientation, as well as the positive impact of these three factors on firm performance. Implications & Recommendations: This study indicates that both entrepreneurs and researchers should con- sider inter-organizational relationships as a factor that can enhance entrepreneurial efforts. Thus, these rela- tionships can play an important role in managerial practice and they can be a subject of research focused on organizational entrepreneurship. Regarding theory development, I recommend further studies on collabora- tive behaviours in pursuing and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities; specifically, future studies can test presented relationships in other contexts (other industries, countries, and organization types). Moreover, I recommend the inclusion of other variables which can affect the tested relationships as they can help to ex- plain the contingencies related to the tested model. Finally, further testing and improvement of used con- structs (especially those reflecting cooperation and competition) are recommended.Contribution & Value Added: This study’s findings contribute to the literature on entrepreneurship and inter- organizational relationships. Specifically, this study explains the role of two opposite postures, namely, coop- eration and competition, in the context of entrepreneurial orientations. With its findings, the study augments our understanding of entrepreneurial posture and sheds new light on the operationalization of entrepreneur- ial orientation, which highlights the role of competing behaviours and omits collaborative actions.

  • Issue Year: 11/2023
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 25-42
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: English
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