Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine nije učestvovala na obilježavanju Dana pobjede u Parizu 9., već 8. maja 1995. – uzroci i posljedice zbrke oko datuma
The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not participate in the celebration of Victory Day in Paris on 9 May 1995 , but on 8 May 1995 – causes and consequences of confusion over the date
Author(s): Admir ČavalićSubject(s): History, Military history, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today)
Published by: Izdavačka kuća »Monos« d.o.o
Keywords: Day of Victory over Fascism; Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina; military parade in Paris;
Summary/Abstract: The public of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been repeating the same error in the date for years, stating that on May 9, 1995, in Paris, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina took part in a military parade organized on the occasion of marking Victory Day over fascism. That is why it is necessary to correct this mistake and inform the public that this critical event for Bosnia and Herzegovina happened on May 8, 1995. Also, it is necessary to stop linking the Day of Victory over Fascism with the Day of Europe because these are two separate dates for most European countries. The day of “Golden Lilies” and the Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina Prisoners are the same day as Europe Day and Victory over Fascism Day, according to the Russian calendar. Further research and legal changes should be done to arrange this issue according to the EU perspectives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, to declare May 8 as the day when the victory happened over the evil of fascism in Europe during the Second World War.
Journal: Gračanički glasnik - Časopis za kulturnu historiju
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 57
- Page Range: 49-60
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Bosnian