Verification of suitability of methods and tools for quality management in the production of a medical devices - case study Cover Image

Weryfikacja przydatności metod i narzędzi zarządzania jakością w procesie produkcji wyrobów medycznych - studium przypadku
Verification of suitability of methods and tools for quality management in the production of a medical devices - case study

Author(s): Kinga Ratajszczak
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej
Keywords: quality; quality management; medical device; methods and tools of quality management

Summary/Abstract: High product quality, in this case of analyzed medical devices, ensures the development of the company by providing customers with safe operation and effective competition and establishes good relationships with partners. In view of the above, the main purpose of this research was to determine the suitability of the applied quality management methods and tools in the production process of medical devices in the examined company. The article contains an analysis of the quality management instruments in the production process of class I medical devices. The degree of application of the methods and their suitability over the course of the production process was noted. Responsibilities and instruments used in the process were assigned. Using the case study method, the methods of quality management most useful in the production process were indicated. Most of them have been verified to be rarely used. The most useful were: FMEA, kanban and process validation. The use of the 5S method does not significantly improve the production process of the analyzed medical devices. The infrequent use of methods and their limited number are caused by poor knowledge among the management and difficulties in determining the positive impact of individual methods on the production process.

  • Issue Year: 84/2021
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 145-159
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Polish
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