Marketing medyczny – wybrane aspekty z zakresu zarządzania i prawa w perspektywie praktycznej
Medical marketing – selected management and legal aspects from a practical perspectice
Author(s): Paweł Lipowski, Kamila FigielSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Business Economy / Management, Public Law, Health and medicine and law, Public Finances
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: medical marketing; law; medical services; medical care providers
Summary/Abstract: The article refers to marketing tools used in the practice of medical care providers as the common tools in medical services market. It presents the characteristics of management aspects – which may not only constitute opportunities for these facilities but also pose a threat to patients treated as consumers of services – as it also showcases legal provisions that guarantee the protection of the patient’s status on this market. The issue is presented from a practical perspective – based on observations of the medical services market, as well as on the authors’ own conclusions resulting from the analysis of scientific works in the field of management (subject literature) and generally applicable (selected) legal provisions. The argument presented in the present article identifies the desired attitudes in respect to the people providing health services (medical professionals) and entities performing medical activities (medical care providers).
Journal: Zarządzanie Publiczne
- Issue Year: 60/2023
- Issue No: 3-4
- Page Range: 179 - 193
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish