Bibliometric Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Brand Valuation in Turkey Cover Image

Türkiye’de Marka Değerleme ile İlgili Yazılan Lisansüstü Tezlerin Bibliyometrik Analizi
Bibliometric Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Brand Valuation in Turkey

Author(s): Mehmet Arif Tuncer
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Higher Education , Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: Orhan Sağçolak
Keywords: Brand Valuation; Postgraduate Theses; Bibliometric Analysis;

Summary/Abstract: Purpose - The aim of this study is to reveal the characteristics of postgraduate theses on brand valuation by using bibliometric analysis method and to guide the researches to be conducted on the concept of brand valuation in the literature. Design/methodology/approach – The master's and doctoral theses in the database of the Council of Higher Education (CHE) Thesis Center, which were studied between 2005 and 2023, were scanned in Turkish and English with the keywords "marka değerleme" and "brand valuation" and it was determined that there were 47 theses with access permission, and all of them were examined with the help of bibliometric analysis method within the framework of various parameters. Findings – According to the results of the research, it has been determined that postgraduate thesis studies published in the National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education in the field of brand valuation are generally related to brand value, Hirose Model, brand, royalty, BIST, Brand Finance, firm value, financial methods, brand valuation methods, market value, brand perception, valuation, internationalization process, profitability, financial performance, brand awareness, accounting of brand value, brand strength, brand image and brand reputation. Discussion – According to the results obtained from the study, it was found that brand valuation is more often associated with only finance-oriented or only behavior-oriented valuation methods. It is thought that increasing the number of theses that include both methods will be meaningful in terms of making the brand value to be revealed more inclusive and increasing the contribution of the research to the literature

  • Issue Year: 16/2024
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 1026-1038
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Turkish
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