Społeczne zaangażowanie w planowaniu
przestrzennym gmin wiejskich – stan obecny, nowe
wyzwania i perspektywy
Social Engagement in Spatial Planning of Rural Communes:
Current State, New Challenges, and Perspectives
Author(s): Marcin FeltynowskiSubject(s): Public Administration, Public Law, Rural and urban sociology
Published by: Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: public participation; amendment of the Spatial Planning and Development Act; public consultation; geo-survey; decision-making process;
Summary/Abstract: Spatial planning is a crucial policy within the self-governing tasks of localauthorities. Local governments, especially rural communities, should involve localstakeholders in consultation processes. Legislative changes in spatial planning underscorethe importance of social participation, with an emphasis on the role of geoparticipatorytools designed to support traditional methods of consultation that have been used to date.This article aims to assess the level of participation in its current form, which could serveas a basis for future research when new participatory methods are more widely adopted.Additionally, this study analyses the spatial variability of participation in shaping communes’spatial policies. The research was able to identify local government units that make planningdocumentation available online. The objectives were met through a methodology thatinvolved an in-depth analysis of the websites of rural communes in the Łódź voivodeship,particularly focusing on council resolutions and mayor’s orders. The study also evaluatedthe availability of these documents on commune geoportals. The results indicated thatamong 72.8% of the rural communes surveyed, there was the possibility of determiningthe level of involvement of local actors in developing studies on conditions and directionsfor planning development.
Journal: Wieś i Rolnictwo
- Issue Year: 203/2024
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 65-83
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Polish