Rodzinne uwarunkowania zachowań ryzykownych wychowanków placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych
Familial determinants of risky behaviors among residents of foster care institutions
Author(s): Agnieszka Skowrońska-PućkaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Family and social welfare
Published by: Fundacja Pedagogium
Keywords: Adolescents; family; child care home; wards of institutional foster care; risk factors; risky behaviors; prevention
Summary/Abstract: The article is theoretical and research-oriented, aiming to demonstrate the connections between family condition and the engagement of children and adolescents in problematic behaviors (Jessor’s concept). The purpose of the considerations undertaken is to characterize, based on research findings, the risk factors that promote risky behaviors within the families of origin of foster care institution wards, which may contribute to their demoralization. The characterization of familial determinants of risky behaviors stems from conclusions drawn from original qualitative research employing the biographical method, as well as a meta-analysis of other available research reports on the subject. This characterization may facilitate the diagnosis and understanding of the etiology of risky behaviors among children and adolescents from disadvantaged groups, and support the design of preventive and educational interventions tailored to the needs of this group of recipients – the residents of foster care institutions.
Journal: Resocjalizacja Polska
- Issue Year: 27/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 275-294
- Page Count: 20
- Language: English, Polish