Gregor z Nazianzu a jeho umenie presvedčiť v básnickom liste Nemesiovi
Gregory of Nazianzus and the Art of Persuasion in the verse epistle to Nemesius
Author(s): Erika BrodňanskáSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, History of Philosophy, Ancient Philosphy, Philosophy of Religion
Published by: Teologická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity
Keywords: Persuasion; Gregory of Nazianzus; verse epistle; Nemesius;
Summary/Abstract: Persuasion (persuasio) fits among the key rhetorical devices and Gregory of Nazianzus makes use of it both in his orations and his epistles. It can also be found in the verse epistle II, II, 7 addressed to Nemesius, an educated pagan, in order to make him change his mind and bring him to conversion. My conference presentation will determine whether and to what extent the basic requirements for persuasio, as specified by Aristotle and Cicero with respect to orations and by Gregory of Nazianzus himself with respect to epistles, are observed in the epistle Ad Nemesium.
Journal: Teologický časopis
- Issue Year: XX/2022
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 7-19
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Slovak