Kierkegaard a Wittgenstein: harmonie víry s paradoxy současné epistemologie
Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein: the harmony of faith with the paradoxes of contemporary epistemology
Author(s): Jiří KučeraSubject(s): Epistemology, Logic, Contemporary Philosophy, Existentialism, Philosophy of Religion
Published by: Teologická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity
Keywords: paradox; mystics; transcendent; quantum;
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the article is, with reference to the still current and discussed problem of the relationship between reason and religious faith, to point out the surprising harmony of the philosophical positions of Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein, emphasizing the a-rationality of belief in an infinite God and in his ‚absurd‘ incarnation into the ‚finite‘, with experimentally proven ‚irrational‘ conclusions of modern quantum philosophy, focusing on ironic ´irrationality´ of modern science. Kierkegaard‘s emphasis on the subjectivity of belief in the ‚absolute paradox‘ is in strong congruence with Wittgenstein‘s ‚necessary silence‘ before the the ´Ineffable´, mystical and transcendent ‚Point beyond the world‘, God, who reveals himself through the miraculously created universe. The common denominator of both philosophical positions is the mandatory prioritization of orthopraxis over orthodoxy in matters of subjective faith and over objective rational ‚proofs‘ of divine existence.
Journal: Teologický časopis
- Issue Year: XXII/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 21-33
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Czech