Benedict Kišdy: Founding Father of the University of Košice
Benedict Kišdy: Founding Father of the University of Košice
Author(s): Peter FedorčákSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Cultural history, Local History / Microhistory, Modern Age, History of Education, 17th Century, History of Religion
Published by: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach
Keywords: Benedict Kišdy; Košice; Biography; Recatholicization; Diocese of Eger; Seventeenth century;
Summary/Abstract: Benedict Kišdy (Kisdy, Kisdi, Kischdy), bishop of Eger and an important figure in the recatholicization of north-eastern Hungary, is one of the most important fi gures in the history of Košice in the early modern period. Kišdy’s most memorable activity was the founding of the University of Košice, which had a longterm impact on the cultural and intellectual development of the city beyond the fi rst intention of its founder, i.e. recatholicization. The present study analyses the place of Kišdy in historiography from the time of the Jesuits and the possibilities of using the biographical method in the case of Benedict Kišdy. An important role in Kišdy’s life was played by his attitude towards Peter Pázmaň, Jesuits and Franciscans. The theoretical question of Kišdy’s place among the most important personalities in the history of Košice is raised, which is partly answered by the still vivid commemoration and places of remembrance connected with Kišdy.
Journal: The City and History (Mesto a dejiny until 2019)
- Issue Year: 12/2023
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 54-68
- Page Count: 15
- Language: English