Klaus (2019) In the Context of the Reproduction of the Myth in Secular Way and the Contingency of Culture in Huizing Cover Image

Mitin Dünyevileştirilerek Yeniden Üretilmesi ve Huizinga’da Kültürün Olumsallığı Bağlamında Klaus (2019)
Klaus (2019) In the Context of the Reproduction of the Myth in Secular Way and the Contingency of Culture in Huizing

Author(s): Porphyrios
Subject(s): Aesthetics, Contemporary Philosophy, Sociology of Culture, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Sociology of Art, History of Art
Published by: Serdar Öztürk
Keywords: klaus; huizinga; homo ludens; play; secularization;

Summary/Abstract: Klaus is a 2019 Christmas-themed animated film about the friendship between a selfish postman and a reclusive toymaker that changes into a cold and dark town called Smeerensburg. There are no academic studies on Christmas-themed films in the Turkish literature, and there are a limited number of studies on animation. These studies analyse the explicit or implicit messages conveyed in the films, mainly because of the target audience of animated films is children. But since animated films are consumed not only by children, but also by parents and young adults, analysing the text and subtext of the relevant films will enrich the viewing experience. In this context, this research aims to examine Klaus’ narrative from the perspective of the notion of secularization and Huizinga’s Homo Ludens. As a result, Klaus reproduces the myth of Santa Claus in a secular way that coincides with Huizinga’s notion of play.

  • Issue Year: 8/2023
  • Issue No: 16
  • Page Range: 319-333
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Turkish
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