Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Service Quality on Word of Mouth Communication Studies Cover Image

Hizmet Kalitesinin Ağızdan Ağza İletişime Etkisi Çalışmalarına Yönelik Meta Analiz
Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Service Quality on Word of Mouth Communication Studies

Author(s): Serdar Okan, Alperen Ağaç
Subject(s): Communication studies, Sociology, Theory of Communication
Published by: SD Yayınevi
Keywords: Word of Mouth Communication; Meta-Analysis; Service Quality; Communication; Service;

Summary/Abstract: Service quality refers to how effectively and satisfactorily a service meets customer expectations. This is based on factors such as the manner in which the service is provided, the level of satisfaction, conformity to customer needs, and the ability to exceed expectations. High-quality service adds value to customers, provides reliability, and supports long-term customer relationships. Word of mouth communication is a form of oral communication that occurs between individuals. It is a means by which individuals share information, feelings, or thoughts through oral communication tools such as face-to-face conversations, phone calls, and voice messages. The aim of this study is to bring together studies examining the relationship between service quality and word of mouth communication, conduct a reanalysis using meta-analysis, and make a significant contribution to the literature. The study data were obtained through a national and international literature review, and a total of 15 studies and 4600 samples were reached between 2011 and 2022, with specific limitations. The effect size (ES) obtained for the relationship between service quality and word of mouth communication through meta-analysis applied in the Jamovi program was determined as 0.569. The results indicate a high level of relationship between the two variables.

  • Issue Year: 9/2023
  • Issue No: 20
  • Page Range: 377-390
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Turkish
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