Duyu Bütünleme Sistemleri ile Eğitim İlişkisinde Nörolojik Fonksiyonların İncelenmesi
Investigation of Neurological Functions in Relation to Sensory Integration Systems and Education
Author(s): Firdevs Ulutaş Yeğ, Seval GökSubject(s): Education, Psychology, Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education
Published by: SD Yayınevi
Keywords: Sensory Integration; Education; Neurological Functions;
Summary/Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the neurological functions in the relationship between sensory integration systems and education. Sensory integration, first of all, Occupational Therapist A. It was described by Jean Ayres as expressing a neurological process that allows us to make sense of our world by taking, recording, modulating, organizing and interpreting information from our senses to our brain. Neuroplasticity, which is the main component of sensory integration, is defined as changes in the structural properties and functions of neurons and synapses provided by these neurons in the brain depending on environmental stimuli. It has been argued in various studies examining the relationship between learning and brain cells that new axon strands occur Decently in neurons as a result of the learning process. According to this, the formation of new synaptic connections is due to each learning experience. Excessive use of synaptic connections in the brain leads to a strengthening of these connections. If these connections are not used, they will die and disappear. The development process of the brain is in the form of the formation (release of knots) and pruning of synaptic connections Tue. For this reason, constant stimulation of the brain with enriched experiences for the brain is important in the development of the brain. In ancient times, people thought that when they got older, their brains became stable. In recent years, due to technological developments, it has been understood that the human brain adapts to innovations that do not stop. In other words, the concept of flexibility of nerves, which we call neuroplasticity, has emerged.
Journal: Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri
- Issue Year: 10/2024
- Issue No: 21
- Page Range: 715-726
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Turkish