Deset let hledání. Správní reforma z roku 1927 a její prosazení na okresní úrovni na Slovensku
Ten Years of Searching. The Administrative Reform of 1927 and its Implementation on the District Level in Slovakia
Author(s): Martin KlečackýSubject(s): History, History of Law, Governance, Public Administration, Comparative history, Political history, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today)
Published by: Historický ústav SAV
Keywords: Organizational Act. Political Administration; District Authorities; District Chiefs
Summary/Abstract: The study deals with the implementation of the key administrativereform (the so-called Organizational Act No. 125/1927 Coll.) in Slovakiaas a prerequisite for the unification of the political administration inCzechoslovakia. With the adoption of the Act, district offices became thebasic unit of state administration throughout the territory of the state. Thefirst part of the paper describes the circumstances of the adoption of thelaw as part of the political negotiations leading to the formation of thenew government and the effects of this compromise on the form of thelaw and the territorial division of political administration. In the next part,the workings of the district authorities in Slovakia are examined basedon inspection reports in comparison with the Czech lands, especiallyin relation to the personnel issue. In the last part, the study focuses onthe corps of district chiefs who headed the district offices and thusrepresented the most important representatives of state power at thelocal level. It examines their age, origin, education, and experience andcompares them with the situation in the Czech Lands. The study linksthe slow implementation of the administrative reform and the problematicoperation of the district authorities mainly to the absence of supervisionby the superior authorities and the lack of suitable senior officials. It notesthat the selection of district chiefs was subject, in addition to professionalcriteria, to political discretion, which, however, led to the lack of adequateskills and experience on the part of some district chiefs.
Journal: Historický časopis
- Issue Year: 72/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 81-100
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Czech