Ethical Behaviorism and Relational Turn
as Two Manifestations of Anti-Anthropocentrism Cover Image

Etyczny behawioryzm i zwrot relacyjny jako dwa przejawy antyantropocentryzmu
Ethical Behaviorism and Relational Turn as Two Manifestations of Anti-Anthropocentrism

Author(s): Maciej Musiał
Subject(s): Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej
Keywords: robots; moral status; ethical behaviorism; relational turn; Anti-Anthropocentrism;

Summary/Abstract: This text discusses three positions within the debate on the moral status of robots. Thefirst, referred to as the “orthodox” position, expresses the still-dominant anthropocentric viewin contemporary Western culture, which assigns humans a privileged, central status due to theirunique qualities such as consciousness, emotions, free will, etc. The two alternative positions tothe orthodox view, ethical behaviorism and relational turn, propose different criteria for attrib-uting moral status than the aforementioned qualities and are interpreted as manifestations ofa tendency to deny the unique ontological and axiological status of humans. In the case of eth-ical behaviorism, humans are “trivialized” to the level of other entities in a reductionist-natu-ralistic manner, whereas the relational turn involves “extraordinarizing” the non-human by re-legitimizing magical thinking in a posthumanist spirit. Thus, the article illustrates how contem-porary cultural tendencies towards dual elimination of human uniqueness, based on reduction-ist naturalism and magical posthumanism, are revealed in the discussion on the moral status ofrobots.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 37
  • Page Range: 61-81
  • Page Count: 21
  • Language: Polish
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