“devota creatura vestra Guillelmus”. Hungarian
Benefice of Cardinal William of Rome (1342–1374) Cover Image

“devota creatura vestra guillelmus” Hungarian benefice of cardinal William of Rome (1342–1374)
“devota creatura vestra Guillelmus”. Hungarian Benefice of Cardinal William of Rome (1342–1374)

Author(s): Vladimír Rábik
Subject(s): History, History of Law, Comparative history, Diplomatic history, Political history, Middle Ages, 13th to 14th Centuries
Published by: Historický ústav SAV
Keywords: Middle Ages; Kingdom of Hungary; Roman Curia; Ecclesiastical administration; Commendation of ecclesiastical offices

Summary/Abstract: In the 14th century, the Kingdom of Hungary, under the reign of KingLouis I, entered the political map of Europe in a significant way, whichwas also reflected in its greater openness to foreigners, providing themwith new opportunities for the fulfilment of their ambitions. One suchfigure was the Roman Cardinal William de la Jugée (with the title ofCardinal Deacon of Sancta Maria in Cosmedin), who was the nephew ofthe Avignon Pope Clement VI.The present study, based on research in the Vatican Apostolic Archives,thus analyses the action and influence of Cardinal William on the changesin the ecclesiastical administration and its staffing in the dioceses ofHungary, documenting one of the earliest cases of the commendation ofecclesiastical offices in our territory and their historical and social context.

  • Issue Year: 72/2024
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 249-275
  • Page Count: 27
  • Language: English
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