Atatürk Döneminde Temel Çocuk Hakları (1923-1938)
Basic Children's Rights in Atatürk Period (1923-1938)
Author(s): Demet CansızSubject(s): History of Law, Civil Law, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
Published by: Serkan YAZICI
Keywords: Child policy; orphaned children; basic rights and regulations;
Summary/Abstract: After the establishment of the republic, one of the biggest problems in the country is the issue of children, which has been to be treated with respect to political, social and judicial perspectives. The increase in children's problems that was observed after the Batlles of Tripoli and Balkans and World War I continued during the period of the War of Independence, and especially the issue of child protection reached dimensions that could not be neglected. Moreover, the developments in the 20th century world have ceased to consider “child” as a mere and little individual, but have considered “this” as very important and strategic issues such as the continuity of the population, the development, welfare and status of countries. At this point, it became necessary to find permanent solutions to the problems and needs of the child, which was considered as a "matter of survival". After the republic, this issue was followed at the international level, and arrangements were made for the basic and priority needs of children such as nutrition, care, protection, health, education, and labor. In this process, children's fundamental rights and needs were considered through charitable institutions that were transferred from the Otoman Empire to the Republic, new policies developed by these institutions, laws, measures, and inspections. In this study, the children's policies produced as a result of domestic and foreign developments during the Atatürk period are evaluated in many respects through archival and press sources and the modern literature.
Journal: Vakanüvis- Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Issue Year: 9/2024
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 1054-1095
- Page Count: 42
- Language: Turkish