Combating Maritime Cyber Attacks Cover Image

Combating Maritime Cyber Attacks
Combating Maritime Cyber Attacks

Author(s): Ivan Conev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Security and defense
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: Maritime cyber security; cyber threats; cyber attacks; security measures; training

Summary/Abstract: The maritime industry, a crucial backbone of global trade and transportation, has undergone a digital transformation in recent years. With vessels becoming increasingly connected and reliant on technology, the need for robust maritime cyber security measures has never been more critical. Modern ships are equipped with a plethora of interconnected systems, ranging from navigation and communication to engine control and cargo management. While these advancements enhance efficiency, they also expose the maritime sector to cyber threats. Cyber attacks on vessels can have severe consequences, ranging from financial losses to compromising the safety of crew and cargo. This article explores the growing maritime cyber threat, its potential consequences, and the need for enhanced cyber-security measures in the industry.

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