Divák chodí do divadla pre odpoveď na otázku ako žiť (dokončenie z minulého čísla)
In the Theatre, the Audiences Seek an Answer to Their Question About the Art of Living (completion from the previous issue)
Author(s): Andrej Maťašík, Matúš OľhaSubject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts
Published by: Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV
Summary/Abstract: A theatre-goer visits the theatre to answer the question how to live. In the second part of the profiling interview (1st part found in 1-2/2005 issue), the theatrical critic and historian A. Mat'asik talks to one of the notable Slovak theatrical directors of the middle-aged generation about his cooperation with the Slovak professional troupes, with the A. Duchnovic Theatre (performing in Ruthenian, the national minority language), as well as with the non-professional theatrical troupes, mainly with amateurs from Brezno and the Slovak amateur actors of Vojvodina in Bacsky Petrovec. The prominent Slovak director is in his interview drawing attention to a serious negative development devaluation impact of the theatrical art position in society, which is linked to a general cultural crisis, to omitting of its meaning and needs in Slovakia in the turn of the millenium. In conclusion director Ol'ha voices out his apprehension that a lacking qualified theatrical support of criticism present in recent years can in a longer perspective result into absence of authentic testimonies on the situation of the Slovak theatre, and that it will no longer be possible to evaluate the production of this theatrical artist generation in its complexity and continuity.
Journal: Slovenské divadlo
- Issue Year: 53/2005
- Issue No: 03
- Page Range: 267-286
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Slovak