Innovative technologies of rail transport used
by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland Cover Image

Innowacyjne technologie transportu kolejowego wykorzystywanego przez Siły Zbrojne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Innovative technologies of rail transport used by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland

Author(s): Agnieszka Rosa
Subject(s): Military policy, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
Keywords: rail transport; innovations; armed forces; movement and transport; management;

Summary/Abstract: Innovation in rail transport has a wide range of applications, which includes customer contact,train monitoring with modern internet-connected sensors and data analysis, as well as the use of artificialintelligence for route optimization, customer service management and vehicle maintenance. The presentedissues constitute a research niche in the field of the use of innovations in military rail transport, whichencourages research in this area. The article describes innovative technologies of rail transport used bythe Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. The subject of the research included in the article are thelatest innovations in the field of rail transport technology and the analysis of their benefits and potentialuse by the Polish Armed Forces. These include intelligent control systems, infrastructure maintenance,innovative designs of trains and wagons. The aim of the article is to identify the advantages of innovativetechnologies and their potential application in the Polish Armed Forces. In order to achieve the objectivesof the article outlined in this way, it is necessary to answer the following research questions: What inno-vative technologies of rail transport are used by the Polish Armed Forces? What are the prospects for thedevelopment of innovative rail transport technologies for defence purposes in Poland? What innovativesolutions concerning the railway infrastructure in Poland could improve the safety of movements of troopsby rail? The research hypothesis was adopted in the article: Innovative solutions in rail transport usedby the Polish Armed Forces will effectively support the implementation of transports in the movementand transport subsystem (M&T). In order to verify the hypothesis, the following research methods wereused: theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, inference, generalization) and the method ofexpert interview with representatives of the movement and transport subsystem. The presented approachallowed to analyse the problem from different perspectives, which makes it possible to conduct detailedresearch on this important and current issue.

  • Issue Year: 60/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 49-66
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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