Portrait of a leader in a psychological sketch Cover Image

Portret przywódcy w szkicu psychologicznym
Portrait of a leader in a psychological sketch

Author(s): Jacek Sobek
Subject(s): Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Management and complex organizations
Published by: Fundacja »Lubelska Szkoła Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej«
Keywords: personal sketch of the leader; cognitive; interpersonal; emotional and moral characteristics of a leader; charismatic leader

Summary/Abstract: In the area of leadership, the constellation of a leader's psychologicaltraits is a factor that often determines the leader's ability to fulfill hisor her role. The psychological characteristics of a leader influencehow he builds relationships, how he inspires, how he makes decisions, etc.Leadership theories and empirical findings that explain the characteristics of successful leaders show that leadership is rich in different personality types. This fact raises the question: what is behind thisdiversity? Which, despite noticeable differences, is a universal reference for leadership.The presented material is a selective sketch of the psychologicalfeatures of the leader that may be such a reference. The intention ofthe proposed sketch is to present a psychological portrait that allowsus to partially explain the personal reasons for the influence and success of leaders.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 34
  • Page Range: 27-43
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Polish
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