Originea și actualitatea studierii pianului în învățământul sârbesc
The origin and current state of piano education in the Serbian education
Author(s): Virdinia Totan, Petruţa Maria CoroiuSubject(s): Education, Music, Pedagogy
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: Pedagogy; education; music; piano; modernity;
Summary/Abstract: The beginnings of musical education in the Serbian culture are linked to the activity of secondary schools in the 1930s. The paper analyses the main personalities and their musical pedagogical works, highlighting the methodical principles and norms in order to put them into practice.
Journal: Tehnologii informatice şi de comunicaţii în domeniul muzical
- Issue Year: XIV/2023
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 35-46
- Page Count: 12
- Language: English, Romanian
- Content File-PDF