Visual and Sound Connections: Analysis from an Audience Perspective Cover Image
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Conexiuni vizuale și sonore: analiză din perspectiva publicului
Visual and Sound Connections: Analysis from an Audience Perspective

Author(s): Oana Bălan-Budoiu, Amalia Cristina Nedelcuţ, Claire Bressolete
Subject(s): Media studies, Music, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Sociology of Art
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: Electroart; digital music; festival; interdisciplinary; media;

Summary/Abstract: Digital art on the computer and interactive art represent a captivating challenge, and electronic art is situated at the intersection of art and technology, exploring new ways of artistic expression. This form of art provides artists with the opportunity to experiment with modern media and technologies. Through collaboration between digital art practitioners and technology experts, electronic art festivals are organized, creating a conducive environment for showcasing innovations in the world of media art. The present study focuses on identifying ways to enhance marketing strategies for the Clujotronic festival, based on an analysis of the participating audience. By using a questionnaire to assess previous editions of the event, results were obtained that highlight the characteristics and preferences of the audience. These findings will serve as the foundation for implementing effective measures in the festival’s management.

  • Issue Year: XIV/2023
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 49-56
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: English, Romanian
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