Realitatea virtuală – Metodă de a depăşi anxietatea de performanţă muzicală
Virtual Reality as a Method to Overcome Music Performance Anxiety
Author(s): Ligia-Claudia Şuteu, Mădălina Dana RucsandaSubject(s): Psychology, Music, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Sociology of Art
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: Virtual reality; psychology of music performance; technology of music; musical performance anxiety; digitalization;
Summary/Abstract: Virtual reality is undoubtedly becoming a way of access to cryptic domains, explored through resources that constantly seek unclear answers. The psychology of music performance is analysed, as a result of a perpetual contemporary concern for the management of musical performance anxiety. This article aims at the intersection of virtual reality with music, to relieve stress generated by the pressure of the “perfect” music performance. There have not been any studies on MPA and virtual reality exposure therapy found so far. In this context, the article’s focus is on the relationship between virtual reality and music and how it might help reduce stress brought on by the pressure to give a “perfect” performance. We will analyse the existing applications and technologies for the transposition of the individual in specific situations. Thus, using VR glasses, a fictitious audience, a concert hall or an audition will be generated, situations that may cause the states that can lead to musical performance anxiety. This could be alleviated using technologies of new branches of virtual reality.
Journal: Tehnologii informatice şi de comunicaţii în domeniul muzical
- Issue Year: XIV/2023
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 57-65
- Page Count: 9
- Language: English, Romanian
- Content File-PDF