Microanaliza unei ședințe de meloterapie cu un copil în doliu
Mycroanalysis from a Music Therapy Session with a Bereaved Child
Author(s): Lois Paula Văduva, Catherine Warner, Mirjám BorzásiSubject(s): Psychology, Music, Health and medicine and law, Sociology of Art
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: Music therapy; microanalysis; bereavement; therapeutic songwriting;
Summary/Abstract: This study presents a microanalysis of a critical moment in a music therapy session with a bereaved child. Through this microanalysis, the therapist explored and examined the key musical and emotional elements that led to one of the most significant therapeutic moments. The microanalysis was done using digital tools, thus highlighting the benefits of incorporating such elements into therapeutic practice.
Journal: Tehnologii informatice şi de comunicaţii în domeniul muzical
- Issue Year: XV/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 39-52
- Page Count: 14
- Language: English, Romanian
- Content File-PDF