Concepts of Morphogenetic Music in Aurel Stroe’s Concerto for Violin and Orchestra Cover Image
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Concepte ale muzicii morfogenetice în Concertul pentru vioară și orchestră de Aurel Stroe
Concepts of Morphogenetic Music in Aurel Stroe’s Concerto for Violin and Orchestra

Author(s): Petruţa Maria Coroiu, Monica-Diana Peter-Raica
Subject(s): Education, Music, Pedagogy
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: Pedagogy; education; music; piano; modernity;

Summary/Abstract: Occupying a privileged place in the universe of great ideas, Aurel Stroe, whose life knew many fracture points that were reflected in his music and thinking, remains one of the modern Romanian composers who stand out because of the complexity and originality of their oeuvre. His music (which from the very beginning produced new values, incorporating dominant directions which had never been visible in the art of composition) is doubled by conceptual tools which turn his musical thinking into a monument of avant-garde.

  • Issue Year: XV/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 93-99
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: English, Romanian
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