Muzica electronică între realitate și simulacru: perspective metasemiotice în spectacolul Șase personaje în căutarea unui autor
Between Reality and Simulacrum: Metasemiotic Perspectives in the Show Six characters in Search of an Author
Author(s): Ovidiu-Vasile IlocSubject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Music, Sociology of Art
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: Electronic music; theatre; technology; virtual instruments; simulacrum; hyperreality; metalanguage;
Summary/Abstract: The article explores the intersection between electronic music and theatre starting from the show Six characters in search of an author directed by Anca Bradu. Analysing the theories of Roland Barthes and Glenn Gould, this study discusses the influence of technology on music and the concept of author. We investigate the concepts of simulacrum and hyperreality in the context of Luigi Pirandello’s play and the context of electronic music, highlighting parallels between characters and the virtual instruments. We detail the musical and theatrical aspects of the show, including the performance of the actors and the representation of the characters by means of musical instruments. We also examine semiotic and linguistic aspects, such as the wordplay and the text’s deconstruction. On the whole, this article offers a complete and detailed analysis of the interaction between music, theatre, technology, and semiotics, stressing the importance and the complexity of these connections.
Journal: Tehnologii informatice şi de comunicaţii în domeniul muzical
- Issue Year: XV/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 101-109
- Page Count: 9
- Language: English, Romanian
- Content File-PDF