Author(s): Alexander OpanasiukSubject(s): Music, Aesthetics, Phenomenology, Sociology of Art
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: conceptual principles; phenomenology; pan-melodic beginning; V. Sylvestrov; philosophical concepts of G. Hegel and E. Husserl; the theory of intentionalism of culture and art;
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the article is to analyse the conceptual principles of V. Sylvestrovʼs work in the context of the philosophical concepts of G. Hegel, E. Husserl and the theory of intentionalism of culture and art. The research methodology is based on philosophical-analytical, cultural, musicological, and comparative analysis. This made it possible to objectify and determine the semantic content of the conceptual principles of V. Sylvestrovʼs work in the context of the fundamental foundations of these theories and the procedural existence of European culture in the intentional period of its formation. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that, for the first time, the conceptual principles of V. Sylvestrovʼs work are defined and characterised at the transdisciplinary level. Conclusions. Phenomenology not only determines the semantic bases of the intentionalism of V. Sylvestrovʼs music, but also the conceptual principles of his work. The composer‘s desire to express the essential level of the music itself is reflected in G. Hegel‘s theses "to turn against the content that alone has held significance until now" and with the help of this "get the content in itself". And also in harmony with E. Husserlʼs slogan "Back to objects", which implies "returning to the things themselves", i.e. their phenomenological content. At the same time, the philosophical concepts of G. Hegel, E. Husserl and the conceptual principles of V. Sylvestrovʼs work are determined by the intentional reflection of culture, which in the final period of formation models the appropriate form of its existence and the existence of cultural and artistic phenomena. If phenomenology is a peculiar principle and form of expression of images in the music of V. Sylvestrov, then the pan-melodic principle appears as a way of such being. Therefore, phenomenology and the panmelodic principle determine the semantic content of peripheral aspects, intro-retro-spections and compilations, and actually are the conceptual principles of Sylvestrovʼs work.
Journal: Мистецтвознавчі записки
- Issue Year: 2023
- Issue No: 44
- Page Range: 101-106
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Ukrainian