Latin textbook Donatus Latino-Hungaricus (1697) as a valuable cultural document from Slovakia Cover Image

Učebnica latinčiny Donatus Latino-Hungaricus (1697) ako hodnotné slovacikum
Latin textbook Donatus Latino-Hungaricus (1697) as a valuable cultural document from Slovakia

Author(s): Ľudmila Eliášová Buzássyová
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Historical Linguistics, History of Education, Translation Studies, Pedagogy
Published by: Lingvokulturologické a prekladateľsko-tlmočnícke centrum excelentnosti pri Filozofickej fakulte Prešovskej university v Prešove (LPTCE)
Keywords: donat, Latin grammar; textbook; protestant; Hungarian; Slovak

Summary/Abstract: The study focuses on the textbook on the Latin grammar basics Latin-Hungarian donat, lat. Donatus Latino-Hungaricus as an important and so far little-known monument of the cultural heritage of Slo-vakia. It is a teaching text compiled originally by the German Protestant teacher Johannes Rhenius edited and adapted for the requirements of the territory of the so-called Upper Hungary (and special-ly, for the evangelical school in Trenčín) by Michal Mišovic. More in detail, the article describes the presumed first edition, which was published in Samuel Brewer's printing house in 1697. The socio-historical context and the reasons that led the author to write the textbook are briefly indicated. The specific position of Mišovic's language adaptation is pointed out both in the context of the otherwise only Latin works of the author, and in the context of other Rhenian Donats from the territory of to-day's Slovakia. The relationship between the two forms of the title of this textbook is also explained.

  • Issue Year: 14/2023
  • Issue No: 55
  • Page Range: 17-24
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Slovak
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