The author’s choreography of Dimo Enev as a manifestation of the historical and traditional reflections of continuity in the repertoire of the folk ensemble “Trakia” Cover Image

Авторовата хореография на Димо Енев като проявление на историко-традиционните рефлексии на приемственост в репертоара на фолклорен ансамбъл „Тракия“
The author’s choreography of Dimo Enev as a manifestation of the historical and traditional reflections of continuity in the repertoire of the folk ensemble “Trakia”

Author(s): Boris Genchev
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music
Published by: Академия за музикално, танцово и изобразително изкуство „Проф. Асен Диамандиев“ – Пловдив
Keywords: Repertoire; folk ensemble; work; choreography

Summary/Abstract: The subject of the present material is the continuity between dance and music work created nowadays in the repertoire of the “Trakia” folk ensemble and the works created by Prof. Kiril Dzhenev in 1970s and 80s. The arguments stating that in the repertoire of the “Trakia” folk ensemble there is a certain continuity of creative views, direction and framework of the stage vision that offers us the concerts of the ensemble, are derived from the similarity between the work that is subject to analysis in the present study and choreographic works of Prof. Kiril Dzhenev.

  • Issue Year: 1/2023
  • Issue No: 11
  • Page Range: 268-279
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Bulgarian
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