The bright image of a stranger - Ragyu Kairyachki Cover Image

Светлият образ на един странджанец – Рагю Кайрячки
The bright image of a stranger - Ragyu Kairyachki

Author(s): Kostadin Mihailov
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music
Published by: Академия за музикално, танцово и изобразително изкуство „Проф. Асен Диамандиев“ – Пловдив
Keywords: Strandja; song; Ragyu; history; family; tradition

Summary/Abstract: The Bulgarian people have always sung their heroes. In Strandzha mountain, one of them is the freedom fighter, famous for his talent for singing and dancing, Ragyu Kairjachki from the village of Krushevets, Burgas region. For more than a century and a half, songs have been sung about him and his family. The tragic death of Ragyu leaves him forever in the minds of the Bulgarian population. The main purpose of the report is to clarify the personality of the Bulgarian celebrated by the people and to bring clarity and additional knowledge about him and his family.

  • Issue Year: 1/2023
  • Issue No: 11
  • Page Range: 280-287
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Bulgarian
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