Teaching style of Karel Hausenblas Cover Image

Učební styl Karla Hausenblase
Teaching style of Karel Hausenblas

Author(s): Eva HÁJKOVÁ
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Western Slavic Languages
Published by: Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: functional style; reporting function; directive function; teaching style; complex style; the sphere of school communication

Summary/Abstract: The article is a reminder of the si gni fi cant con tri bu tion of Karel Hau sen blas toCzech stylistics, namely the theoretical definition of teaching style in the system offunc tio nal styles. Hau sen blas’ de fi ni tion of func tio nal style is of fun da men tal im por -tance not only on the basis of the lin guis tic function of reporting, or aesthetic, as thestylistic theory has done until now, but on a com bi na tion of dominant functions inteaching communications, in addition to the reporting function as well as thedirective, in fluen cing function. Therefore, he considers teaching style as a complexstyle based on a combination of language functions in communications. He preciselydif feren tia tes the stylistic cha rac te ris tics of teaching texts and, for example, po pu la ri -zing texts, in which is the directive function also si gni fi can tly applied. He em pha si zesthat the objective of po pu la ri zing texts is to motivate the recipient of the text to take aninterest in the subject, while educational texts teach the recipient. Similarly, hecompares a different share of the directive function in teaching texts and in differenttypes of texts. The paper also focuses on the ap pli ca tion of Hau sen blas’ concept ofteaching style in pedagogical and linguistic works (especially by M. Jelínek) and inthe current theory of com mu ni ca tion spheres and the de fi ni tion of the sphere of schoolcommunication, and it focuses on the verbal component of teaching communications.

  • Issue Year: XXIV/2024
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 455-464
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Czech
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