Analyzing the Distinctions: Film Sets vs. Stage Platforms – Investigating the Subtle Differences between Theatre and Film Cover Image

Analyzing the Distinctions: Film Sets vs. Stage Platforms – Investigating the Subtle Differences between Theatre and Film
Analyzing the Distinctions: Film Sets vs. Stage Platforms – Investigating the Subtle Differences between Theatre and Film

Author(s): Olimpia Melinte
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts
Published by: Universitatea de Teatru si Film »I.L. Caragiale« (UNATC)
Keywords: cinema; theatre; film set; audience; stage speech; theatre paradigm; cinema paradigm;

Summary/Abstract: Often, we face an unspoken dispute between theatre actors and the stars emerging from lead or supporting roles in cinema. Who truly qualifies as a celebrity? Consequently, due to ignorance, trained theatre actors have become unsung heroes, while society has always highlighted screen personalities. This article showcases the main challenges faced by actors from both mediums, focusing on the differences between the two branches of acting. The first and most obvious difference lies in the space. In the section on the actor and the camera, we closely examined the dimensions of a cinema screen, the importance of sound, and how actors enter people’s homes through close-ups and all the adjacent structures of a film montage. While stage actor training must encompass the ability to maintain the truth of the character while adjusting the voice level slightly higher, in order to project that reality to a large audience, on the contrary, the camera functions like a microscope, scrutinizing every movement of the actor, even the softest whisper. These differences highlight the unique demands of each medium and underline the importance of adaptability and stage technique in an actor’s training and performance.

  • Issue Year: 28/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 139-157
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: English
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