Transitional Forms of Economic Life in the 18th Century in the Rumeli Provinces of the Ottoman Empire: Barriers and Perspectives Cover Image

Преходни форми на стопански живот през ХVІІІ век в румелийските провинции на Османската империя: бариери и перспективи
Transitional Forms of Economic Life in the 18th Century in the Rumeli Provinces of the Ottoman Empire: Barriers and Perspectives

Author(s): Krasimira Mutafova
Subject(s): History, Economy, National Economy, Comparative history, Economic history, Social history, Middle Ages, Public Finances, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Център за стопанско-исторически изследвания
Keywords: Ottoman empire; Rumeli provinces; transitional forms of economic life; iltizâm system; mukâta’a; mâlikâne; Ottoman documents; surets; mufassal defteris; arz; arzuhal

Summary/Abstract: The reforms carried out in the military and fiscal system of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 17th and 18th centuries, had a significant meaning for the changes in economic life and the establishment of transitional forms in the development of agriculture and the urban economy. All of them – mukâta’as, malikânes, waqfs, çiftliks –are known from the previous period as well, but acquired different dimensions and directions of development in the conditions of the 18th century. The research is focused on the widespread penetration of the iltizam system in various sectors of the economy in the 18th century, including in the structures of the Orthodox Church. On the example of published and unpublished Ottoman documents – mainly mufassil (detailed) defteris, annual income-expenditure statements, the so called suret, suret-i ruznamçe hakani, arzuhals, etc. – the study attempts to trace the role of the mukâta’as and the malikane system in the agrarian sector and the urban economy in the Rumeli provinces of the Ottoman Empire, respectively the degree of state intervention, the imposed barriers and the opportunities for economic development in perspective.

  • Issue Year: IX/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 67-78
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Bulgarian
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