Jurisdiction of Hybrid Courts in the Light of International Criminal Law. The Case of Cambodia and Sierra Leone (Part II) Cover Image

Jurisdicția tribunalelor hibrid în lumina dreptului internațional penal. Cazul Cambodja și Sierra Leone (partea II)
Jurisdiction of Hybrid Courts in the Light of International Criminal Law. The Case of Cambodia and Sierra Leone (Part II)

Author(s): Ioan-Ciprian DOSPINOIU
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Court case
Published by: Universitatea Liberă Internațională din Moldova
Keywords: juridiction; tribunal; hybrid; crimes of war; crimes of humanity; genocide; extraordinary chambers; special court;

Summary/Abstract: The idea of establishing hybrid or internationalized tribunals arose in the context of the law performance of international ad hoc tribunals of the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda in the view of several experts. In addition, trough these courts an attempt was made to reach a compromise between the national criminal jurisdiction of the states and the international one. Or, in the opinion of those who promoted this concept, the involvement of local experts in the examination of illegalities committed on the territory of these states could awaken greater trust on the part of society in general and the victims, especially in the act of justice, and subsequently even lead to the start of the reconciliation process of the respective societies. We proposed two cases for this study, which are the most well-known — the Extraordinary Cambers for Cambodia and the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

  • Issue Year: 2023
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 178-185
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Romanian
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