Празнични аспекти в репертоара на училищния хор
Celebratory Aspects in the School Choir Repertoire
Author(s): Alexander MitevSubject(s): Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, School education
Published by: Издателство НМА „Проф. Панчо Владигеров”
Keywords: festive aspects; celebratory aspects; repertoire; school choir
Summary/Abstract: This article examines the celebratory aspects in the school choir repertoire. The main focus is on the festivities and their celebration in the Bulgarian school as well as their classification. A detailed description of the role of the festivities in the work of the school choir and its repertoire is presented, outlining problem areas of an organizational and methodological nature. Some highlights of the conductor’s work in selecting the repertoire of the school choir are presented. Taken from the author’s conducting practice, the system of the author and a sample plan map for the organization of the repertoire are proposed. Conclusions are drawn about the celebratory aspects in the school choir repertoire based on the sample plan map.
Journal: Academic Forum “Integral Music Theory”
- Issue Year: 11/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 173-187
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Bulgarian