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Sănătatea emoțională a muzicienilor de muzică clasică profesioniști
The emotional health of professional classical musicians

Author(s): Angelica Postu
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Psychology of Self
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: professional classical musicians; well-being; anxiety; musical performance; resilience; positive psychology;

Summary/Abstract: The professional classical musician experiences a close and often inseparable relationship between their personal and professional life. This is because artistic performance requires strong emotional involvement, an intense psychological process, and constant physical dedication. Besides artistic preparation, musicians implicitly take on several organizational roles, which affect their mental health, leading to emotional imbalance. Among musicians, there is a record of performance anxiety, depression, and other worrying conditions, whose number is increasing. These conditions are associated with stress, fear of failure, and perfectionism. Most musicians do not know the means and techniques to help them cope with problems, which is why the introduction of preventive methods is recommended. Additionally, identifying and understanding risk factors would contribute to raising awareness about the conditions they are predisposed to. Studies have shown that beneficial methods include resilience, mindfulness, and positive psychology, which, unlike traditional deficit-oriented psychology, focus on present moments and positive aspects of the human being.

  • Issue Year: 37/2022
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 7-12
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Romanian
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