Despre o matrice analitică
About an analytical matrix
Author(s): Amalia Szűcs-BlănaruSubject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, History of Art
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: analytical matrix; musical analysis; parameters; Anatol Vieru;
Summary/Abstract: The analysis of 20th-century music requires appropriate methods, different from traditional ones. It is necessary to create a synthetic analytical system that brings together criteria from traditional musicology, computational musicology, mathematical musicology, and more recently, performance analysis. For the development of the analytical matrix, we started from the idea that we need a fixed, stable part (like a skeleton) that is found in all analyses, as well as a variable, adaptable part. Musical morphology can be thought of as a first level in which the parameters of the sound material are inventoried. Syntax is the higher level of its organization. Like any theory, the proposed method of analysis is to be validated through its practical application. I chose as an example a piano miniature from Anatol Vieru's creation, Sfârleaza. This piece particularly caught our attention due to the suggestive power of movement achieved with simple means and the beauty of its composition. The piece is among the works that prepared the ground for shaping the mature style and innovative musical thinking, which places Anatol Vieru among the important composers who influenced 20th-century composition. The example of analysis was chosen specifically to use a good part of the available working options and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. The matrices designed for both morphology and syntax ensure the stability of the method, as they do not leave any important aspect out of the analysis. The freedom of movement within them gives an eclectic aspect to the approach, but it often offers everyone the possibility to choose the working method that is most familiar to them.
Journal: Lucrări de Muzicologie
- Issue Year: 37/2022
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 13-23
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Romanian
- Content File-PDF