An Effective Hybrid Feature Selection Method Based on an Improved Artificial GTO Algorithm for Medical Datasets Cover Image

An Effective Hybrid Feature Selection Method Based on an Improved Artificial GTO Algorithm for Medical Datasets
An Effective Hybrid Feature Selection Method Based on an Improved Artificial GTO Algorithm for Medical Datasets

Author(s): Abd Al-Baset Rashed Saabia, Mondher Frikha
Subject(s): Scientific Life
Published by: UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science
Keywords: Data mining; hybrid feature selection; machine learning; genetic algorithm; artificial gorilla troops optimizer;

Summary/Abstract: Feature subset selection is considered as the most essential pre-processing step. Metaheuristic approaches may be employed to discover a solution to difficulties in feature selection, which can be viewed as an optimisation problem. The aim of the system is to provide a hybrid binary metaheuristic algorithm that combines gorilla troop optimisation and genetic algorithm to handle the feature selection issue effectively. This new method is called GTO-GA. To ensure that the optimisation technique converges fast and properly and to enhance the exploration process, the GA were used. The suggested technique is tested for stability and robustness using 16 medical datasets taken from the Kaggle and UCI repositories. To evaluate the chosen features’ performance in classification issues further. The results show that the algorithm outperforms 10 top-tier optimisation methods, including PSO, ALO, the original GTO and the SCA algorithm. The results highlighted the statistical difference, superiority and importance of the suggested feature selection strategies.

  • Issue Year: 13/2024
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 2715-2723
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: English
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