Note on the archaeological excavations conducted by Constantin S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor in burial mounds in Perișor and Pleniţa (Dolj County) Cover Image

Notă asupra cercetărilor arheologice realizate de Constantin S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor în movilele funerare de la Perișor și Pleniţa (judeţul Dolj)
Note on the archaeological excavations conducted by Constantin S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor in burial mounds in Perișor and Pleniţa (Dolj County)

Author(s): Bianca Preda-Bălănică, Marius Bâsceanu, Angela Simalcsik, Daniel Garvăn
Subject(s): History, Archaeology
Published by: Bons Offices – Casa Editorial-Poligrafică
Keywords: burial mounds; graves; Oltenia; Yamnaya; archives

Summary/Abstract: In the 20s of the last century, archaeologist C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor investigated a series of burial mounds in the plain area of Oltenia, in Plenița and Perișor localities, in Dolj County. While excavations from Plenița were published, the discoveries from Perișor were only briefly mentioned in archaeological literature, without being presented in detail. Recently, the report of archaeological excavations from Perișor, written by C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor and addressed to the prefecture of Dolj County, was discovered in the Oltenia Museum of Craiova archive. The publication of this report, accompanied by this note, aims to introduce information regarding the discoveries from Perișor into the scholarly literature. Additionally, human osteological remains originating from the excavations conducted in Plenița were preserved in the Oltenia Museum of Craiova collection, for which archaeological and bioanthropological clarifications were provided

  • Issue Year: 6/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 53-81
  • Page Count: 29
  • Language: Romanian
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