Prayer Disrupted by Preoccupations About Making a Donation. Payment Innovations in the Church in Poland
Prayer Disrupted by Preoccupations About Making a Donation. Payment Innovations in the Church in Poland
Author(s): Janina Kotlińska, Grzegorz KotlińskiSubject(s): Economy, Sociology of Religion
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: non-cash transactions; payments in church; ATMs; financial donations inside a sacral site; prayer
Summary/Abstract: This study expands the knowledge about innovations in financial transactions, which could be applied in the Church, including sacral sites. The research aim was to indicate in what way one can improve the process of making financial donations for the Church. His hypothesis is: 1) the prayers of congregation members and other persons visiting sacral sites are often disturbed by the impossibility (or possibly difficulty) of making a financial donation due to the fact that its only expected and possible form is cash payment, 2) the financial support for the Church, including the functioning of sacral sites, would be greater if they had specialist ATMs installed accepting innovative instruments of non-cash payments. The authors described the modern methods of non-cash payment and the technological solutions facilitating this, and identified the areas of the Church operations in which their quick adoption is possible in order to improve the quality of praying and making financial donations in sacral sites. The study employed the methods of the critical analysis of literature and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence).
Journal: Financial Law Review
- Issue Year: 34/2024
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 39-58
- Page Count: 20
- Language: English