The wartime vicissitudes of Corporal Officer Cadet Karol Toczek –
based on the collection donated to the Central Museum of Prisoners of War Cover Image

Wojenne losy kpr. pchor. Karola Toczka – na podstawie zbioru pamiątek przekazanych Centralnemu Muzeum Jeńców Wojennych
The wartime vicissitudes of Corporal Officer Cadet Karol Toczek – based on the collection donated to the Central Museum of Prisoners of War

Author(s): Kamil Weber
Subject(s): Military history, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
Published by: Centralne Muzeum Jeńców Wojennych
Keywords: Karol Toczek; POWs; officer cadets; Oberlangen; Hoffnungsthal;

Summary/Abstract: Officer cadets, due to their patriotic and unyielding attitude, very often openlydisplayed towards Germans, made a specific group of POWs. One of them wasCorporal Officer Cadet Karol Toczek, who – during his wartime wanderings cameto stay in as many as five permanent POW camps. In some of the places, he hadto cope with most harsh living conditions, like in Stalag VI C Oberlangen for one.The article shows not only the time of his captivity, though, but also his earlierroute of frontlines where he had fought, as well as the time when the values thathe represented had formed, among others during his service as a young member ofthe scouting movement. The outline of this soldier’s biography, which is presented,was reconstructed on the basis of accounts by his son, Krzysztof, and documents,among others those given over in the form of donation to the Central Museum ofPrisoners of War and being part of the Museum’s collection.

  • Issue Year: 2022
  • Issue No: 45
  • Page Range: 123-137
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Polish
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